Friday, July 29, 2005

Do You Have the Gift of Serving Cake?

As many of you know tomorrow, July 30th, is our FUN FAIR at Randall Oaks, replete with our 5th anniversary birthday cake. This event calls for more volunteers at one time than anything else Administer Justice does.

We still need people to come along side and serve, quite literally sometimes, the people who stop by to check out what's going on. You don't need great skill, just willingness.

So, if you can spare an hour and a half or more tomorrow, stop in and we'll put you to work. We need a gofer, people to serve up hot dogs, balloons, etc.

Have other obligations with friends or family? Then we hope you'll be able to bring them by to enjoy the Fun Fair. Remember, admission and cake are free and the games will be very inexpensive. Hope to see you there, one way or another--
I promise it will be fun!


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